Monday, April 6, 2009

More Important Quotes From Ong

"Orality needs to produce and is destined to produce writing." p. 14

"Saussure takes the view that writing simply represents spoken language in visible form." p. 17

"Oral poets do not normally work from verbatim memorization of their verse." p. 21

"The meaning of the Greed term 'rhapsodize'...'to stitch song together'...became ominous: Homer stitched together prefabricated parts. Instead of a creator, you had an assembly-line worker." p. 22

"There was no use denying the now known fact that the Homeric poems valued and somehow made capital of what later readers had been trained inprinciple to disvalue, namely, the set phrase, the formula, the expected qualifier - to put it more bluntly, the cliche." p. 23

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