Saturday, February 7, 2009

Children Amaze Me

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?

So I work at a daycare and am constantly amazed by the children I work with there. However, one little girl the other day who is about seven years old was sitting there playing and talking to herself. So I went over and asked her what she was doing to which she replied "Telling a story." I asked her if she could share thinking it would be some product of her imagination that she was throwing together haphazardly on the spot. She knocked my socks off however when she started reciting Eric Carle's Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See line by line word by word knowing each animal that came after the former without missing a beat. To say the least I was impressed and inspired by this young girl sitting in front of me. That night I went home and started working on my fifty children's books, the inspiration for my choosing this subject being the little recitor.

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